John BUCKLAND WRIGHT The Virgin and the Unicorn (large version): the block and a proof Wood Engraving, 1947 $7,750.00 Presented by Harris Schrank Fine Prints
John Taylor ARMS Le Penseur de Notre Dame (The Thinker of Notre Dame Cathedral). Etching, 1923 $4,500.00 Presented by Allinson Gallery Inc.
Leonard Tsuguharu FOUJITA Jeune Fille Assise Avec Un Chat [Young Girl With Cat] Lithograph, 1956 $2,950.00 Presented by Josef Lebovic Gallery
Ralph GORVETT Untitled, December 2019 Drawing or Watercolor, 2019 $1,800.00 Presented by Don Gorvett Gallery
Pablo PICASSO Le Taureau (le boeuf) Aquatint, 1936 $12,000.00 Presented by Thomas French Fine Art LLC
New Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Yoshitoshi: Oniwaka Observing the Great Carp in the Pool Woodblock Print, 1889 $1,600.00 Presented by Egenolf Gallery Japanese Prints
Hans BALDUNG GRIEN The Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus Woodcut, 1515-16 $20,000.00 Presented by Jan Johnson Old Master & Modern Prints Inc.
Diana THORNE At Your Service Drypoint, c. 1940 $600.00 Presented by Roger Genser - The Prints and the Pauper
Eva Auld WATSON Flamingos On Amazon Mud Flats Linocut, 1925 $600.00 Presented by Marc Chabot Fine Arts