Born in New York City May 14, 1945, Martin Levine studied at Buffalo State College before getting his MFA from the California College of Arts and Crafts in the Bay Area.  Since 1986 has taught at SUNY Stony Brook University (Long Island).  Beyond his own work and teaching, Levine has also been an active member of the printmaking community both in United States and abroad.  He is a past president of the Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA), and has juried many exhibitions the world over, in places as diverse as the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and Poland.
Levine’s work, mostly etchings, aquatints and lithograph, tend toward hyperrealism.  His subjects are mostly city views and architecture, which Levine depicts in high-contrasted detail.  His work has been acclaimed both nationally and internationally, with numerous awards including a National Endowment for the Arts in Printmaking.

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